Monday, February 20, 2006

well then....

yeppers, the time had come my friends for me to become completely swampped again! yes, you guessed it! it's project time! along with doing yet another portfolio (this time for biology) i have to create and illustrate a children's book by april-i think. along with that, i have to try not to go crazy when my o so loveable sister comes to visit TODAY. its just icing on the cake, i swear. Oh, yea. i also have like, 3 papers to write and a couple of presentations to give all while trying to set up a web site and get stuff ready for going to italy next semester-that should be interesting, no?

Friday, February 03, 2006

yeppers w/ peppers and chili cheese sauce

in other words, yeah okay....
yep well, i'm done with school for the week (it being friday and all) and i have no idea what to do. Should i work on my paintings, do some drawings, write some stories, read some books, or *shudder* *gulp* do homework? eech.
well, at least i kno what i'm doing at 3-theres a wolf speaker coming and i get to go listen to the presentation! yea! and play with the pretty puppies. so woo.
then i might hitch a ride to watervile and get some shopping done @ bullmoose music if my ride doesn't decide to ditch me...whatever
so in short:
shit to do
lotsa priorities
don't know which to start.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

yeah.....stuff happening, don't really have time to write it all life sucks, etc.
till later-