Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fear Not My Evil Minons, For I Have Returned!

back by popular request (okay, not really) i have returned from the afterlife (also known as my overnight job) to bring you random facts and fuzzy feelings (such as the slow burn of a firey hell would). (boy i use parenthasize a lot). anywho let me update you (as if you cared) on my life: it doesn't bite as much. i barely see my family, i sleep all day, work all night, hang out with friends and in my spare time get bitten by spiders. yes. i am a spider bite magnet. no seriously! i got bit by one at the movie theaters (that'll teach me to try and enjoy myself) and my leg swelled up and went all bruisey like. it was fan-tastic, let me tell you. when i'm not playing buffet to arachnids, i go to the beach during the summer-like i am today! woot! so yeah, more updates as events warrent. pleasant something people-