Tuesday, September 19, 2006

what is it?

seriously, what is it with me and guys? am i that repulsive that i'm 18 and i've never had a boyfriend in my life? (don't answer that). don't get me wrong, i've had tons of guy friends-but that's it. nothing anymore than friends. what more do they want from me? i'm blonde, blue eyed, tall, and smart.
whenever i really get to like a guy there's always a drawback. they're either gay, not getting the hint, interested in someone younger, or else they're already taken! is there a curse on my life or what? god help me.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

i think i'm finally getting the hang of this college thing

or maybe not. i don't know. all i know is that i haven't seen my older brother in ages, i haven't talked to my best friend in weeks and i haven't gotten a decent night's sleep since last tuesday. me, being the articulate and flexible person that i am (not) seriously fucked up my shoulder and for some strange reason the pain just won't go away. lucky me. anywho, you know how it is, papers to write, classes to attend, books to read, worlds to end :P . yep and i'm about to start one of the busiest weeks yet.