Monday, October 17, 2005


wow, a new post already......
what's my secret? answer: i have way too much time on my hands.....i actually should be doing my psychology homework, but in a true procrastinator fashion i think i shall leave that till later.
not much going on right now....i feel like i got zero amount of sleep last night and i'm all groggily and stuff. arg....i want to do something but lack either the energy or motivation...maybe a shot of each will do the trick. mmmmmm its motivationally delicious! so i'll just sit here, waiting for my class to begin typing absolutely nothing........must..have......cheese!! yeah the creamy cheese, with the cheese and the cream and the creamy creamy...cheesy cream. now is the time for you to rise and take your squirrel to...the bagel shop--ah! sorry, just had a foamy the squirrel experience....o look, a giant fortune cookie in the says:

"Finish each day and be done with it... tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it well and serenely." --Emerson
....guess that screws my procrastination tendencies
anywho, i'm really bored right now, i just talked to one of my good friends, which was great because i hadn't talked to her in a while. it was nice. i enjoyed it mucho. to eat up my time later on i shall continue doing computer homework and vegging out-literally-i shall turn into a carrot-so there...


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