Saturday, October 22, 2005

damn these words in my head

good gravy!
i don't think i can stand living with my sister much more. once again, she's driving me to freaking drink-okay, not literally, but you get the idea, right? she won't stop describing about how happy she is to be leaving whenever some one asks how she's doing-i think i want to drive a nail through my head. i finally couldn't take it anymore at dinner and just stood up and left the other people hanging on her every word-im like, screw this. so i went back to my room and wrote on the door 'not in the best of moods, come cheer me up'. so she comes waltzing in, holding a ice cream cone in one hand and said something like 'oh, i'm here to cheer you up. i can't help but feel i pissed you off a little. i can't help it if ive got better fortune then you and all your friends love me more'. well, okay, that may be a little bit exaggerated. so i say, 'you think you can buy me off with food?' and she's like,'yeah' and i reply 'damn you and your persuasive tendencies' and take the freakin cone-i know, i'm weak.
o, and earlier today she makes me out to be some sort of kleptomaniac liar-how? i'll tell you. she was supposed to give her friend back $2 which she couldn't find, so me, being the good person that i am, gave her $2 of my own money to give to her friend. then, when her friend comes in, she says that i had her money in my purse and couldn't find it until i cleaned it out. what the hell? then, as her friend leaves, she whispers 'sorry' and expects me to be fine with it! well screw that. then she can't believe that i was angry with her-no! of course not! i don't mind if you freaking smear my reputation and make me out to be some sort of theif! go right ahead, and while your at it, why don't you tell everyone i kill baby koalas and eat small children?


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