Thursday, October 27, 2005

just another friendly-like conversation between siblings

just a little conversation i had w/ my older brother on the 25th
and for all you semi-retarded monkey human hybrids, OB=older brother, CCF=creamcheesefiend aka me.

CCF: arg, forget it....its very nice
OB: yeah, yeah,
OB: only u can take sumones pain an anguish an call it "very nice"
OB: i just take sumones pain an anguish an make it funny
CCF: which is why we all love u. ur loved, doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy?
OB: warm an fuzzy in tha sense im bein pecked to death by marshmallow peeps, yes
CCF: the yellow ones or the pink ones? or perhaps the blue kind?
OB: tha blue kind can go straight to hell
CCF: damn the blue kind and their bluey-ness
OB: i beleive i incuded that quote on the cover page of my newest bestselling novel "DAMN THE BLUE KIND AND THEiR BLUEY-NESS"
OB: its kinda like dantes inferno meets tha smurfs
CCF: oh my....
OB: poppa smurf turns out to really b beelzebub
CCF: it figures
OB: in a smash comedy hit thats fun for tha whole family, coming soon to a theater near you
CCF: not straight to video? damn
CCF: we even got rob shnider to guest star as...... THE STAPLER
CCF: ooooh, his best role yet
OB: arguably
OB: yes

look at all the pretty colors

okay; this entry has absolutely nothing to do with colors, so if that's what drew you in u mite as well logoff now. instead, i thought id rant a bit more about myliving situation. here we go.....
i think i want to get a big lightbulb, break it and mutilate someone(i don't care who...any volunteers?) probably the biggest thing i hate right now is how my sister thinks she's the only sibling up here. she has all these friends and whenever she talks about something (like living in ca-cough cough-thornbird incident-cough) she always says (with me standing right next to her) "when i lived in cali, i thought the....blah blah blah." it's like she forgets we're even sisters. like i don't even exists tho i am standing right there. massive understatement: it sucks. i had to go all through junior high and high school being ignored, but i would have thought she'd been better you know, since we're family! garg! (yes 'garg'-my word, deal with it).

Saturday, October 22, 2005

damn these words in my head

good gravy!
i don't think i can stand living with my sister much more. once again, she's driving me to freaking drink-okay, not literally, but you get the idea, right? she won't stop describing about how happy she is to be leaving whenever some one asks how she's doing-i think i want to drive a nail through my head. i finally couldn't take it anymore at dinner and just stood up and left the other people hanging on her every word-im like, screw this. so i went back to my room and wrote on the door 'not in the best of moods, come cheer me up'. so she comes waltzing in, holding a ice cream cone in one hand and said something like 'oh, i'm here to cheer you up. i can't help but feel i pissed you off a little. i can't help it if ive got better fortune then you and all your friends love me more'. well, okay, that may be a little bit exaggerated. so i say, 'you think you can buy me off with food?' and she's like,'yeah' and i reply 'damn you and your persuasive tendencies' and take the freakin cone-i know, i'm weak.
o, and earlier today she makes me out to be some sort of kleptomaniac liar-how? i'll tell you. she was supposed to give her friend back $2 which she couldn't find, so me, being the good person that i am, gave her $2 of my own money to give to her friend. then, when her friend comes in, she says that i had her money in my purse and couldn't find it until i cleaned it out. what the hell? then, as her friend leaves, she whispers 'sorry' and expects me to be fine with it! well screw that. then she can't believe that i was angry with her-no! of course not! i don't mind if you freaking smear my reputation and make me out to be some sort of theif! go right ahead, and while your at it, why don't you tell everyone i kill baby koalas and eat small children?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

oh well....

damn, im bored. i didn't get to watch tv last night, none of my friends were online this morning and i have a whole bunch of work due for certain classes. i tried scanning some of my drawings to post on the best site:, but eventhough they scanned well, they wouldn't load on the site. damn my enfeebled computer!
on a lighter note, i've been working on my stories- my novella is 7 pages longer since i've revised it. yea me. my fanfic hasn't been worked on in a while, i guess i should start up on it again. if u want to check out what i have so far (9 chapters at last update) go to and search for "watermelon delight" by elisa dovane - aka me! its a tokyo mew mew fanfic-as stated in my story i neither own nor profit from anything TMM. enjoy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


my god!
what the heck is going on? first she says she's thrilled about going to disneyworld, then shes considering giving it up-what the hell? she's always like this. she says one thing, but won't do it later on: note: it gets old after a while! get over it!
i used to be like that too, until i conciously acknowledged it and decided i was going to change. now whenever i say i'm going to do something i try my hardest to follow through with it. i've changed, and i think its about time that she did too. take some responsibility for once and go for it. sure there's the fear factor, who wouldn't be afraid of going so far away? but then theres the fact that she knew what she was getting into when she signed up for it, and if this was the real way she felt about it, maybe she shouldn't have signed up at all! i just know that in about 2 weeks, she'll change back to being all excited and then right before she goes, she'll get all scared again. MAKE UP YOUR MIND PLEASE! arg.........

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


okay, someone want to explain what the fuck is going on here?
cause obviously, i have no clue. i have all these godforsaken emotions inside of me and theyre burning my soul like red hot fucken coals. i mean, my sister just got some of the best news of her life (probably) - she got her internship at disneyworld approved. i should be happy for her- and on some far distant level (youre a long way from the lobby now boy) i guess i am. but on the other hand im thinking what the hell just happened here? im losing my sister and everyone expects me to feel greatful. well guess what, i dont! i mean, yeah, she bugs the hell out of me, but thats what sisters do. everyones looking at me and i have to put on some goddam show of feeling relieved finally-its all a fucken part i have to play and i want a rewrite of this script!
another part of me (the smaller part) is totally crushed that i wont see her for another 6 months, i mean, as much as i hate to admit it (and will probably never do so again) i love my sister, i love when we hang out together when she's not being a total ass. its actually fun. now i have to find a new roomate and start all over again next semester which will totally suck.

Monday, October 17, 2005


wow, a new post already......
what's my secret? answer: i have way too much time on my hands.....i actually should be doing my psychology homework, but in a true procrastinator fashion i think i shall leave that till later.
not much going on right now....i feel like i got zero amount of sleep last night and i'm all groggily and stuff. arg....i want to do something but lack either the energy or motivation...maybe a shot of each will do the trick. mmmmmm its motivationally delicious! so i'll just sit here, waiting for my class to begin typing absolutely nothing........must..have......cheese!! yeah the creamy cheese, with the cheese and the cream and the creamy creamy...cheesy cream. now is the time for you to rise and take your squirrel to...the bagel shop--ah! sorry, just had a foamy the squirrel experience....o look, a giant fortune cookie in the says:

"Finish each day and be done with it... tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it well and serenely." --Emerson
....guess that screws my procrastination tendencies
anywho, i'm really bored right now, i just talked to one of my good friends, which was great because i hadn't talked to her in a while. it was nice. i enjoyed it mucho. to eat up my time later on i shall continue doing computer homework and vegging out-literally-i shall turn into a carrot-so there...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

first of many

so yeah.......
damn, i just had a whole nice little explaination of this blog, but it dissappeared, so here's the cliffnotes version
  • my blog
  • i'll bitch a lot
  • post some of my favorite stuff
  • post some original stuff

good enough for ya? it better be.........if not, deal with it