Thursday, December 01, 2005


yeah, i said epers, so what? i need a break i think. i got way too much shit to do and not enough time to do it in. i need to work on my freaking portfolio, do 2 papers for different class, knit a scarf and pick up my writing again. o yah, and there's the fact that i gotta move my new roomate in before christmas yes.....eep.
speaking of christmas i went to a freaken bible study group tonight.....trying to make nice w/ my parents about the whole religion thing. it was interesting. interesting in the sense of i felt like i was going to be put on trial and burnt at the stake if you know what i mean. i actually think i'll probably bring the group down from the inside-i mean, they issue us bibles! what kind of person would i be if i let this evil continue......hehehe *evil laugh*. yeah, i'll convert them all and make my parents sooooo proud.....again i laugh all evil-like. hmmmmmm, not much more to say right now........i'll probably think of something until then, i'll be around


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